6 May

Repair or buy a shed? Advantages and disadvantages

Repair or buy a shed in 2023: advantages and disadvantages?

This is often the first question we ask ourselves when a major repair is needed or our shed is no longer the beauty of the neighborhood that it once was.

At first, buying a new garden shed can be very expensive, but the challenges and worries of having to repair an existing shed can sometimes justify a complete replacement. Of course, cost isn't the only thing to consider. Let's take a look at the pros and cons of both options.

3 Reasons to choose to repair your shed

1. Repairing a shed is often less expensive than buying it.

New quality sheds can be very expensive.

A new garden shed can cost up to $10 or more, not including the materials to prepare its foundation, the land and the labor required for installation. Repairing an old garden shed, on the other hand, is often a cheaper alternative even if major repairs are needed, you can usually save more than half the value of a new shed.

2. Refurbishing your shed is faster than buying a new one.

Many people believe that buying a new shed is faster than fixing it. The case is often the reverse.

In fact, there are a number of reasons why repairing a shed is a faster option than buying.

To start, you must plan to remove your current shed and le collection garbage to transport to a landfill. Plus, it can also take weeks or even months to find, buy, and have your new shed delivered. Then, once the new shed has been purchased, it is still necessary assemble it or have it installed. Finally, if the shed is a different size, you will need to plan time for preparing the ground and setting up a new foundation for the newcomer. For all these reasons, repairing a shed can often be the quickest and most efficient option.

3. Repairing your shed is more environmentally friendly than buying one.

Why is it greener to repair your shed?

The answer is simple: the environmental recovery of waste. Not only are you reducing the amount of waste sent to landfills such as asphalt shingle roofing, wood, vinyl, but you are also helping to conserve resources. Each time you restore a shed, you increase its lifespan and prevent it from becoming waste. And this is good for the environment. So when maintaining your shed, think about the environment and decide to repair it rather than replace it.

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3 Reasons to prefer to buy rather than repair.

1. The size and characteristics of your current shed no longer suit you.

If your requirements have changed and you now need more storage space for example, it may be better to buy a shed that better suits your needs rather than investing time and money in modifications in addition to necessary repairs. Many prefab garden shed manufacturers offer a wide range of options that you can customize.

2. No surprises

When buying a new garden shed, the process seems quite simple. You choose the size and style you want that goes well with your home, then you pay for it and have it delivered to your doorstep. Be careful, it's not that simple.

There are a few things you need to keep in mind when buying a new garden shed so you don't get any surprises.

First, be sure to check the dimensions of the shed before purchasing. It's not uncommon for people to misjudge the size of their yard and end up with a shed that's either too big or too small for the new yard layout. Second, take a look at the new accessories that are available for sheds these days. You can get everything from skylights to solar panels, so it's worth doing some research to get all the information on what's available. And finally, take inventory of everything you would like to store in addition to what is currently there.

3. Your shed is no longer recoverable.

There comes a time when deciding to buy a new shed is the only logical solution. There are a few things to consider in making the right choice.

If, as they say, the cancer is widespread, your roof is leaking, your floor is rotten, you have problems with your doors and windows, your foundation is no longer level, or your siding is damaged, it may be more profitable in the long term to buy.

What if you want to repair, but you're not a handyman?

So you've decided that repairing your shed is the best solution for you, but you don't have the time, tools, know-how or skills to do so.

To overcome all this, it's easy, you have to rely on a specialized company with a good reputation and... let them do all the work for you. Fortunately, I know one for you!

Brother-in-law for rent, you know?

It's not just us, but Brother-in-law for rent is one of your choices to consider. In business since 2009, we have brothers-in-law in several locations in the greater Montreal area and the suburbs and we offer the best service and the best guarantee for your work.

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Our customers can count on our customer service to discuss their project and request a quote. You can also book a telephone appointment directly online at a time that suits you best.

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2293 Ile-des-Lys, Terrebonne, Quebec J6Y 6A2.

Such. 514-666-2328 ext. 101

Email: info@beau-frerealouer.com